Monday, June 7, 2010

MySpace blog: 09/18/08

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ike related ramblings...
Current mood: bummed

Let me just say that I can totally understand why those Galvestonians want to get back to their homes so desperately. We suffered absolutely nowhere near the damage they have and really none at all. We've been out of power since the storm...we've been staying with my parents since Thursday. Tuesday night, we went to check on the house and lo and behold...we had power. So all day I've just been thinking about getting home, cleaning up, getting on with our lives. And then after we spent 3 hours packing up or stuff at Mom's (hey, we have a lot of crap!) I get a call from Mike who made it home before us. Our power is out again. According to our neighbor, at around 12:30am this morning the transformer in front of our house blew a fuse and BURST into flames. He really said flames were shooting out of it. I just wanted to cry...did in fact. Logan too. I think I would be okay dealing with my own desperate need to be normal again but how do you explain to a 7 year old that we still can't go home. And how do you make him understand that we are the lucky ones because we still have each other and our home IS intact, and there are a lot of people without the simple necessities. All he wants to do is go home...and I do too.

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